FREE AND UNLIMITED SUBSCRIPTION TO Comcast, Directv, DISH Network, Time Warner cable, AT&TU-Verse, Cox, Charter TV, CableVision Bright House and Suddenlink. Exclusively Free here.
COMCAST, DIRECTV, DISH NETWORK and TIME WARNER CABLE all in USA often claim to be the best television entertainment at your fingertips, same as same as AT&T U-Verse, Cox Communications, Charter TV Network, Cox, CableVision, not even forgeting Bright House Networks and Suddenlink.

However, if you are a subscriber in any of this pay TV network, and you desire to have free subscription to the premium package that these networks offer, as long as you want it, then, you need to read this.


We have an exclusive access to a project called SmartCONNECTTM (Do not worry you can never see it anywhere else online). The SmartCONNECT TM is a technology that gives you a REMOTE assesses to your Pay TV Network.

The technology for this project was developed from the scratch and every TV network listed on this app are connected, tested  and perfectly working.

Without much Ado, i will like you to have a feel of this software, but before that, I will love to share with you how the app works.


This software is so easy to use. I know you are more interested in downloading it now, but i believe it is important to let you know how it works.

This is the interface for the app, it is the same on all gadgets, It is simple, easy to use and friendly to behold too. Aren’t you not feeling it too?.

On the drop down menu are different networks, just choose the one you are currently subscribed to.

Input your Network smartcard Number, make sure it is correct, and click on CONNECT. Just sit and relax.


While you clicked connect earlier, it is important i tell you that depending on your internet connection, the average waiting time is just 30-40 seconds. Maximally 1 minute.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this software works?

This software works with a newly developed “Chameleon-backend-database-connection technology”. It is one of a kind exclusive to this developer.

Is this Software a Hacking tool?

Obviously it is NOT a hack. It is just a technological-test, it is ethical, and had passed all necessary test and the only last test is the commercial-usage test and which is the purpose of this app.

Am i required to pay for this software?

The software is FREE i mean it is F R E E. It is a project that is just developed by group of guys who are testing new technologies in remote database connection. And based on the conversation with the project owner, i do not see it being commercialized as long as the technology can be adopted by a company that needs it.

How long will the subscription/connection last?

The connection/subscription will last for a minimum of 1month and a maximum of 12months. It all depends on your last recharge. If you recharge for 1 month the last time before you use this software you will get 1 month, if your last recharge was 3 months, when you use this software, you will definitely get 3 months.

Does the usage of this software have any side-effect on my device?

Absolutely none, i can tell you apart from the internet the software will access on your device and your Smartcard number, nothing else. It doesn’t even log your usage activities.

Will my Network penalized me if i use this software?

You do not need to worry; your network CAN NEVER penalize you. What this software technology does is to drop your smartcard number/information   among the active subscriber and then tell your network to activate you. That is done very fast whenever you hit on connect button on the app.

How can i contact the developer of this software?

The contact information of the developers are attached to the software documentation, so when you download the software, you can check the attached documentation with it.

I believe this FAQ must have answered majority of your questions, so what are you waiting for? You can download the software here, just take a minute to spread share or tweet this to your friends and loved ones.

However, if you register with our partner on this picture below, you stand a better chance to get our exclusive access to the this SmartCONNECT software. - Webcam Models Wanted! - Webcam Models Wanted! - Webcam Models Wanted!


Our Software is entirely free to  download and we intend to keep it that way but recent financial and logistic Challenges have necessitated the need for us to source partnership to keep this project afloat

However to get a FREE copy of this software, click any one of the banners below, follow any registration/download prompt afterwards, our partner will pass your email to us and we shall send you the software FREE OF CHARGE.
